Ashley and I have been slowly getting moving, the weather has been gorgeous (66F today) enough to run and ride outside. We got in a run (6miles) last week and a 30 mile ride on the weekend. We have been trying to do some spin here and there and lift here and there, trying not to get too serious too soon- i'm certainly the burn out type!
I had my first crash on the ride on sunday, poor ashley helped me roll off the road. We were going pretty slow and I tipped over, so my butt is sore for all the wrong reasons! Im glad i got my first crash out of the way just getting the wind knocked out of me!!
I also had an exciting day on sunday as Bryan took me to look at bikes. Currently I ride a $300 le monde that i bought from a traithlete at a bike amazing but i think im serious enough about this sport to try something a little more..fancy. Ashey's sweet TT bike had me swooning, however since my balance and bike skills are pathetic there will be no shopping till around April/ May. Clearly some practice will be good :)
I cant agree more with that tri lady about fueling, so everytime you ride or run practice eating and drinking. I have this fanny pack water bottle thing i got at a running store and at the cost of looking like a grandma, i stay hydrated on the long runs.. i am doing a half marathon in march and a half iron in May to make sure my fueling is working..
Anyways hope this note finds you all as sore as I am, getting back into shape is fun. I am enjoying working out hard so I can eat desert every night.
p.s. my mother thanks you for the call out J-boo
Hey, where did you get that cool running fanny pack?